Wednesday 8 October 2014

This week has been busy to say the least!!  What with planting an additional 200+ bulbs in the garden before autumn really sets in - then my dog, Kai,  went lame! 

He is usually so playful!!
So it was gentle exercise, medication, trips to the vet for x-rays and now we have to hope it gets better.  

But - I have been busy with finishing and photographing some things Ive been working on for new patterns.

This is the Water Lily Candle Mat.

Its a simple piece of quilting and assembly but looks so pretty don't you think?

........... then I got to thinking it would look lovely as a Poinsettia for Christmas .........................
 . and added some coasters too

Looks nice set on the Hexagon Table Topper - also a new pattern for Christmas. 

Here's the Topper without the candle mat so you can see the detail.  Quick and simple to make - just what's needed for the Christmas period when we all have so much to do.

.............  and speaking of Christmas - here's my new wall hanging - also going to be in downloadable pattern form very soon.

............. actually I can't believe I'm in Christmas mode when it's only October and we haven't been on holiday yet!!

This recycled denim Table Topper is something I made a little while ago.  I really love it.  What a great way to use up some of those denims I've been storing for just the right project!

............... maybe this will be a pattern too if there's enough interest ...................

.................... and finally .............. a little FREE pattern for a coaster ..................  in animal print for fun

You can download it for free at the website  or even on this blog if I can work out how to load it !!

Not much from Deb this time as she's busy preparing for classes and shows.  More next time I'm sure

Jan x